The Burgess Family

Location: Maine, United States

Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Girls

This is a picture of "the girls" one morning after church. You can't quite tell from this picture, but they look so much a like. I've already had to start labeling pictures to tell them apart! When you pack your family up in the car to head to Wednesday night prayer meeting and get as far as Moody's before you realize it's Tuesday, that's not a good sign. I think my memory is really starting to go. I guess that means I am officially a Burgess.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Emma's 2nd Birthday Party

Emma had her 2nd birthday party on Saturday. She seems 2 going on 12 some times. Most of her family and friends were there. Everyone was enjoying the best of birthday parties: cake, new toys, and fun! Thanks for all who came and shared the day with us!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

April in Maine

For those of you around the country enjoying your 60 + degree April weather, take a look at what April has been like so far in Maine. Most of us woke up and looked out our window on April 3 to find.... yup you guessed it SNOW! I love the snow, I think it is beautiful. But not so much in APRIL!
I added another picture up below of what we got the next day. We woke up to even more snow!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Please tell me that's chocolate....

That comment wouldn't have been the first thing that came to my mind if this was any other todler. Those of you who know Emma's bad habbit probably are thinking the same thing I was when I caught her. But don't worry...... It was only the hershey kisses that she had gotten into.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I got you babe

Well, Laura Anne Burgess was finally born, after some delay, on December 9th at 12:40 a.m. Weighing in at 7 lbs. 8 oz. Emma is loving being a big sister. Laura is a precious addition and great gift to our fastly growing family.

Frosty the Snowman

This was the first snow that we got this year. It was also Emma's first snowman. Unfortunately it quickly melted into a puddle with a hat, scarf, pipe and buttons.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Our Trip to Washington D.C.

This past June we took a trip with my Dad and Judy to Washington D.C. It was a lot of fun. There's so much to see that we only got a chance to view a fraction of the city and historical landmarks. I included some pictures of the Whitehouse. We stayed only a few blocks away so we were able to get to see it. We also visited the National Aquarium. Which was kind of a let down. The "National Aquarium" was only a few small rooms, with small fish tanks, in the basement of a very large building. We did visit the Jefferson Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, Arlington Cemetary, and the Air and Space musuem, but were knuckle brained enough to forget the camera. I have an excuse- I was pregnant at the time. We stayed at The Willard. It was very nice. The pictures don't do it a lot of justice.

Friday, June 02, 2006

It's her party....and she can cry if she wants to.

Actually, it was their party. Emma and her cousin Asa shared their 1st birthday party. They were born within 4 days of each other. They shared a baby shower and I am sure there will be a long tradition of sharing in their future. The party was on May 7th. Emma's birthday is May 8th and Asa's is May 12. It was a beautiful day! We are very thankful for that, the forecast was for rain. That's Maine for you. It never know quite what it wants to do here. There's really only two seasons here: winter and summer. Last year, summer was on a Tuesday! Anyway.... enough Maine jokes. Who can really believe that time flies. I felt like the 9 months I was pregnant lasted forever, but the first year that Emma has been with us has flown by. Such is life, enjoy it while you can. You'll have an eternity to think about what you did with it later.